Tuesday, December 25, 2007

the good life

As I sit here and reflect on my life over the holiday season it is pretty clear to me that I have lived a charmed life. This idea probably seems strange to some considering I have done 3 combat tours. It feels like I have lived in a bubble. I was in some situations where I could have died and several where I should have. It seems like bad things come near me just enough to make me appeciate what I have. God's way of reminding me that it is good to be alive.

As I sat in the desert on guard, this time of my life was what allowed me to make it through mentally. It seems wrong not to enjoy it to the fullest.

Hallelujah hollaback


1 comment:

Justin said...

You definitely seem to have a new outlook on life - much deeper, perhaps a little more cynical, and more ready to enjoy life. Maintain your thankfulness and appreciation, my friend.